The Suns and The Office

Following up on the comparison between Mike D'Antoni and David Brent: the members of the 2006 Phoenix Suns if they were the characters of the British version of The Office:

Mike D'Antoni = David Brent
The architects, the leaders, the men whose vision makes their worlds what they are. Two men with facial hair, no peers and a genius for ignoring "The Rules."

Steve Nash = Tim Canterbury
The conscience of their respective enterprises. Both are short white men with floppy hair who are known to make humorous facial expressions. They are the ones who with merely a look can make everyone else around them better.

Shawn Marion = Gareth Keenan
More than able supporting stars. The Matrix's grumbles in the media about not getting enough respect clearly echo

Clearly the cattiest member of the Suns had to be a woman. By the same token,

Boris Diaw = Keith
At the beginning, you had no idea what to expect of these large men with strange accents. By the end, you knew whatever they would do next would be pure gold. The lingering question is this: is Diaw's biggest weakness a lack of tenacity around the goal or eczema?

Tim Thomas = Chris Finch
Rarely seen for much of the run but appearances at the end that generate excitement, and, in some ways, save everything. Also, both can be hateful, mean-spirited and annoying - unless they're on your side.

Leandro Barbosa = Ricky the temp
Young, likable, good looking and unpredictable. Also, quick to the hole in more ways than one.

Eddie House = Donna
Always seems to be smoking hot but can disappear for long stretches at a time.

Amare Stoudemire = Lee
Always hanging around nearby and you're never sure what they are thinking or where they are coming from. They could punch you, they could give you a hug. It's up to them.

Kurt Thomas = Oggy
For ocular reasons only.

James Jones = Joan, the cleaning lady
Similar sounding names. Always wandering around in the background with varying degrees of effectiveness. Do not have e-mail.
nice post, dude.
i love the british version of the office.
11:46 AM
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