This blog is about three things I care about: books, basketball and the search for a third thing.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Smile Now, Cry Later

I thought the Suns were dead, and then they deliver one of the best comebacks I've ever seen from them. But Horry's slam of Nash led Stoudemire and Diaw to run off the bench. So Tuesday at about 11 a.m. EST Stu Jackson will announce they are both out for Game 5. The Suns will lose that one and lose Game 6 in San Antonio, and the dream will die.

I'm sad about this because this will add fuel to the fire that Stoudemire or Marion should be traded. The team will be dismantled and Nash will toil without a ring for the rest of his career. I would rather the Suns stay a "glorious and beautiful failure" than make the ugly changes that lead to actual complete victory.

Of course, I'm borderline suicidal this evening, so this might be a bit gloomy. But mark it down, the NBA will ruin joy by suspending those guys. And I will maybe shed a tear about it.

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