My only friend, the end

This was my usual pained expression as I walked out on my last day of work at the Yuma Sun. I have no idea how it would feel for someone to leave a workplace where they had toiled for like 20 or 25 years. I've been here for three, and it still felt a little bittersweet to be saying goodbye. It was time for a change, but that doesn't mean that it is easy.
After leaving, I went to the bank to deposit my check and found myself standing exactly where I had stood when I first got to Yuma. And I looked down at my ATM card and saw a picture of myself from three years ago. And I looked over and saw where that picture was taken, hell, it was probably the same chair and dull gray backdrop.
And when I looked at that little mug shot photo, I thought that I knew that guy and at the same time I didn't really know him. I haven't changed, but I am different. But in life change is the only constant. And I'm ready for what's next. But I won't forget Yuma (I'd argue that this place has the perfect mix of absolute extremes to ensure it could never be forgotten by anyone), and I'll always remember what it gave me - namely, a fantastic wife, two good dogs and a lot of great experiences.
(It looks like I've been unable to keep this as a No-Maudlin Zone and allowed some sentimentality to creep in. But, hey, at least I didn't subject you to any NBA talk!)
I leave you with this:
"How time can move both fast and slow amazes me
So I raise my glass to symmetry"
--Bright Eyes
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